Archived Webinar Series
Dr. Quaglia's February Webinar, Featuring Gavin Dykes. Dr. Quaglia continued his discussion on global school improvement efforts with Gavin Dykes, Program Director of the Education World Forum and the Asian Summit on Education and Skills. Gavin and Russ involved participants to cover common obstacles to teacher and student voice, and different ways to overcome them.
School Voice: Amplifying Success (January). Dr. Russ Quaglia's monthly webinar series continued with a brief overview and update of the various School Voice efforts happening around the world. Mr. Steve Kenning, Chief Executive of the Aspirations Academies Trust, joined this webinar to share experiences from Great Britain.
Dr. Quaglia's May Webinar, with Simon Feasey and Melissa Phillips Morse: School Voice efforts around the world. Simon Feasey from the UK, and Melissa Phillips Morse from Cobb County, Georgia, talk about how they implemented school voice and the tremendous effect it has had on both teachers and students. Learn how teacher engagement and student achievement are going through the roof.
Corwin Monday Afternoon Webinar Series. How can we most influence student learning? When students have voice, they are 7 times as motivated, and when students are engaged, they are 16 times as motivated. Dr. Quaglia and Dr. Corso review their research and discuss practical tips for making your classroom and your school powerful drivers for student learning AND teacher satisfaction.
Dr. Quaglia's March Webinar, with Ingrid Paalman-Dijkenga, Susan Koulianos, and Lisa Lande. Dr. Quaglia was joined by Ingrid Paalman-Dijkenga from the Netherlands, Susan Koulianos and her team from Harding Elementary School in Youngstown, Ohio, and Dr. Lisa Lande, Executive Director of the Teacher Voice and Aspirations International Center.
School Voice: Amplifying Success (November). Audio recording of November 2015 webinar.
Teacher Voice with Dr. Russell Quaglia and Dr. Lisa Lande. Can we give students their voice without teachers having a voice as well? Authentic deep learning occurs best in open environments, where both teachers and students can take risks and feel they have a role in decisions. Participants discuss the impact they can have on education and the obstacles, tips, and tricks to more open educational environments.
Student Voice, Aspirations, and Santa Claus. Dr. Quaglia and Dr. Corso discussed the importance of student voice and how that impacts student aspirations, and overall student success in schools. They shared data from both the Student Voice and Teacher Voice surveys, and implications for Santa are evident.
Why Learner Voice. Gavin Dykes, international leader in educational innovation and techology, joins Dr. Russell Quaglia for a discussion on how personalization can increasingly lead to learning that is better-tuned to student aspirations, enthusiams, and ambitions.
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. This webinar introduces the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership, and discusses how this initiative is working to mobilize learning to help students achieve their aspirations.
The New Normal in Education: Vision for a New Learner. The once passive role of the student is transforming into that of a learner - a more active, independent, and self-empowered role. This webinar considers this monumental shift and the implications it has for the professional educator.
Engaging Students: From Responsibility for Self to National Leaders. This webinar explores an approach to student voice and leadership that provides a pathway for students to take responsibility for themselves and their own learning.
Program Evaluation: How to Count What Really Counts. With a focus on professional educators who drive decisions based on data, rather than "data-driven decision-making," this webinar will help educators evaluate programs in a way that leads to action.
Aspirations & Architecture: Constructing the Heart. This visionary webinar presents a conceptual architectural design in which to infuse the heart of student aspirations: a product-based, community-focused curriculum that provides students with the ability and opportunity to transform their communities.
Cultural Competency & the 'Relationship Gap': Closing the Achievement Gap. Dr. Rhonda Talford Knight asks, "How do we address the 'Relationship Gap' that exists between culturally diverse students and teachers?" This webinar explores three main topics: how we define culture, the role culture plays in teaching and learning, and cultural competency.